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Tag: personal finance


How Can I Diversify When My Compensation Is Tied to the Stock Market?

How should you think about investing if your compensation is tied directly to the stock market? Does it make sense…

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Government Pension: Does It Have a Bond-Like Impact on the Portfolio?

How should you think about a government pension as part of your portfolio? Does it count as a bond and…

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Should You Prioritize Roth Contributions Even with a High Income?

If you’ve been saving in pre-tax accounts your entire working life, you may have little to no Roth assets by…

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What is the Messy Middle?

The Messy Middle is what we call that period in-between high school or college and middle age. It’s when your…

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Is a $1,000 Car Payment Okay If It Doesn’t Break The 20/3/8 Rule?

If you are purchasing a car with a payment over $1,000, but can fit it into the 20/3/8 rule, is…

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How to Prioritize Your Time in the Messy Middle

Time is one of your most valuable resources, especially in the messy middle. How you allocate your time between your…

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Should I Participate in My Company’s Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP)?

Some employers offer employee stock purchase plans which give employees a discount on company stock. Are these worth taking advantage…

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How to Balance Generosity and Investing 25%

It can feel difficult to be generous with your money AND invest 25% at the same time. How does one…

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Is a 5% Student Loan Debt Considered High-Interest? (Pay It Off ASAP?)

If you are in your 40s, how should you think about paying off a student loan with an interest rate…

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