If you’ve arrived here via this week’s Carnival of Personal Finance, welcome!
I’m Brian Preston, a fee-only financial planner in Atlanta by day and host of the popular "Money Guy" blog and podcast in my spare time. Going "beyond common sense", my goal is to bring you the tools and information you need to restore order to your personal financial chaos.
My recent shows have covered everything from Dave Ramsey and mortgage prepayment strategies to Warren Buffett and common mistakes made by couples. If you’d like to subscribe to my free podcast and not miss any future shows, I suggest:
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Pinyo, this week’s carnival host, has done a great job of assembling dozens of interesting posts on everything from investing and budgeting to careers and frugality. It’s a personal thrill to be included amongst so many of my favorite blogs — and to discover a few new gems for future reading.
Here’s a few posts that caught my attention:
- Five things Indiana Jones Can Teach Us About Personal Finance: What can we learn about money from Dr. Henry Walton "Indiana" Jones, Jr., noted adventurer and professor of history and archeology?
- How Fees Eat Your Lunch: It Still Adds Up To Dollars: Low-cost investing is one of the smartest ways to maximize your returns. Learn here about all the hands reaching into your wallet 😉
- Vanguard Index Mutual Funds Versus Vanguard Managed Funds: After fees and taxes, do Vanguard’s actively managed mutual funds outperform its index-based ones? It’s a fascinating question that should interest all long-term investors.
Thanks again for visiting! Leave a comment or drop me a personal email if you have questions or suggestions.
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