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If you have locked in a low-interest rate on a car, does it make sense to NOT pay it off…
If you are young and just out of college starting a job with a high earning potential, you might feel…
If you haven’t been following our 20/3/8 rule for purchasing a car, should you pay your car off as quickly…
With government tax credits, Tesla cars are now more affordable. Does this mean Tesla is no longer a luxury vehicle?…
Cars have gone up significantly in price over the last few years. How can you buy a car without breaking…
Follow the 20/3/8 rule and see how much car you can afford.
Once you have reached step seven of the financial order of operations, saving 25% of your gross income, and are…
In this highlight, someone making $240,000 a year seeks guidance on affording a dream car, uncovering valuable insights about opportunity…
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