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Tag: emergency fund


Is a Roth IRA a Great Place to House an Emergency Fund?

Is a Roth IRA an appropriate vehicle for an emergency fund? Since you can access basis penalty and tax-free, some…

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Do You ALWAYS Need an Emergency Fund?

? In this highlight, we discuss why it is important that you have an emergency fund built and what you…

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Should You Have an Extra Emergency Fund? (Just In Case?)

In this highlight, we discuss if it makes sense to have en extra emergency fund and how much you should…

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How Much Cash Should You Have on Hand?

How much cash should you keep for emergencies? In this highlight, we discuss what factors to consider when deciding on…

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Should I Invest a Portion of My 6 Month Emergency Fund?

In this highlight, we discuss if it makes sense to invest in your emergency fund. If you want to know…

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Should I Slow Down Investing to Rebuild My Emergency Fund?

How should you prioritize investing over your emergency fund? In this highlight, Brian and Bo discuss what you should consider…

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Should You Have More Than a 3-6 Month Emergency Fund?

How big should your emergency fund be? Is 3-6 months enough or should it be more? In this highlight, we…

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3-Month vs 6-Month Emergency Fund: Which Is Right for You?

In this highlight, we discuss the difference between a three month and a six month emergency fund and help you…

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