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Tag: retirement


Are 401(k)s the Biggest Scam in America? (Money Guy vs. the Internet)

Are 401(k)s actually a SCAM?! We hear that high fees take up half your money, you barely beat out inflation,…

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Can I Withdraw Retirement Funds Early if I’ve Invested Well Since My 20s?

If you save really well while you are younger, can you start to pull money from your retirement accounts earlier…

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Is 100% Equity Allocation Wise in Retirement?

Some financial gurus are against adjusting your portfolio to a more conservative allocation as you get older. Does it make…

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Should You Diversify Retirement Assets Beyond Pre-Tax Investments?

Does it make sense to diversify retirement assets if you are primarily invested in pre-tax assets?

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Retirement Savings vs. Student Loans: Which Should You Prioritize?

If you have little or no savings for retirement, does it still make sense to prioritize higher interest student loans…

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How to Influence Your Employer’s 401(k) Plan for Optimal Benefits

Not all employer 401(k) plans are created equal. If you are able to influence your employer’s decision, what should you…

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How to Legally Avoid Paying Taxes in Retirement!

Did you know that there are perfectly legal strategies you can use to AVOID paying taxes in retirement? Contributing to…

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What Should I Do With A $100,000 Inheritance?

If you are fortunate enough to inherit a large sum of money, what should you do with it? Purchase a…

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When You Hit Your Retirement Number, Should You Keep Investing?

If you Know Your Number for retirement and reach that goal, does it make sense to continue investing even when…

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Why Are Backdoor Roth and Mega Backdoor Roth ‘Loopholes’ Allowed?

If Roth accounts are so good that the government limits who contributes and how much they can contribute, then why…

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