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Tag: retirement


The Case For Lump-Sum Investing (The Superior Way to Invest?)

Is lump sum investing better than dollar cost averaging? Check out our case study where we show a real-world example…

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The Case For Dollar Cost Averaging (Is It Really a Better Strategy?)

Is dollar cost averaging better than lump sum investing? Check out our case study where we show a real-world example…

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I’m Investing 62% of My Income! (When Should I Slow Down?)

In this highlight, we discuss how to know when to take your foot off the gas financially and how to…

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How to Calculate Your Financial Independence Number with Inflation

In this highlight, we discuss how to factor in inflation when calculating your financial independence number. For more information, check…

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How to Balance Roth and After-Tax Buckets for Early Retirement

In this highlight, we discuss how to balance Roth and after-tax buckets for early retirement and what you need to…

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How Aggressive Should Your Portfolio be in Retirement?

In this highlight, we discuss how aggressive your portfolio should be in retirement and when you can take your foot…

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How to Consider Rental Income When Determining Your Retirement Goal

In this highlight, we discuss how you should approach rental income when determining your retirement goals. Do you want to…

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How To Save for Retirement When You Have a Pension

How do you invest for retirement when you have a pension? Our Money Guy guidelines suggest investing 25% of your…

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The New Standard of Wealth: $1,000,000 Is Not Enough?!

The concept of being “rich” has evolved due to inflation and changes in retirement plans and Social Security, with $2.2…

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How Should I Allocate my Portfolio When I Live Primarily on My Guaranteed Income (i.e. Social Security and Pension Income)?

Living successfully on guaranteed income could mean you have the risk capacity to allocate more of your portfolio to equities.…

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