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Tag: retirement


The New Standard of Wealth: $1,000,000 Is Not Enough?!

The concept of being “rich” has evolved due to inflation and changes in retirement plans and Social Security, with $2.2…

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How Should I Allocate my Portfolio When I Live Primarily on My Guaranteed Income (i.e. Social Security and Pension Income)?

Living successfully on guaranteed income could mean you have the risk capacity to allocate more of your portfolio to equities.…

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How Do I Know How Much I Need to Retire?

There is no “one size fits all” approach, but knowing the right questions to ask yourself is key. When you…

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How Does My Pension Factor Into My Net Worth Statement and Retirement Calculations?

Pensions are generally not included in your Net Worth, but do play an important role in retirement planning. Future income…

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I’m Part of the FIRE Movement. How Can I Tell That I’m on the Right Track Financially?

Know where you are…and where you’re going. If you want to know if you’re on the right track, you need…

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Should I Contribute to Roth or Traditional/Pre-Tax (i.e. 401k, IRA, etc.)?

Deciding between Roth and pre-tax contributions typically comes down to your current tax rate and how you feel about the…

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How Should Bonds and Fixed Income Factor into My Portfolio?

Bonds and similar risk-off assets are an important component of a well-diversified portfolio. Diversification can work even when it feels…

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How To Account For Inflation In Your Retirement Planning

In this highlight, Brian and Bo talk about how to account for retirement planning when saving for your retirement. Check…

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How To Estimate Future Expenses in Retirement

Estimating your living expenses in retirement is the ultimate variable to determine how much you need to have saved (and…

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Challenging the 120-Age Rule: Is it the Best Approach to Investing?

In this highlight, we discuss what we think about bond to stock ratio in retirement and what you should consider…

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