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Tag: retirement


How to Achieve FIRE with a $400,000 Income!

In this highlight, we discuss how to achieve FIRE on a $400,000 income and what steps you need to take…

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How to Achieve FIRE with a $200,000 Income!

In this highlight, we discuss how to achieve FIRE on a $200,000 income and what steps you need to take…

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How to Achieve FIRE with a $100,000 Income!

In this highlight, we discuss how to achieve FIRE on a $100,000 income and what steps you need to take…

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How to Achieve FIRE with a $50,000 Income!

In this highlight, we discuss how to achieve FIRE on a $50,000 income and what steps you need to take…

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Can You Rollover a Roth 401(k) to a Roth IRA?

In this highlight, we discuss if it you can rollover a Roth 401(k) to a Roth IRA and if that…

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How to Achieve FIRE By Income (Are You on Track?)

Do you want to retire early? If so, do you know what it is going to take to get there?…

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What is the Financial Order or Operations DURING Retirement?

In this highlight, we discuss if the Financial Order of Operations changes during retirement and how you should approach it.…

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Is It Beneficial to Shift Focus to After-Tax Investments Instead of Roth?

In this highlight, we discuss if it’s beneficial to shift your focus to after-tax investments instead of Roth and how…

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Should You Avoid Employee Stock Purchase Plans?

In this highlight, we discuss if you should avoid employee stock purchase plans. For more information, check out our free resources…

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My Employer Doesn’t Offer a 401(k): What Should I Do?

In this highlight, we discuss what you should do if your employer doesn’t offer you a 401(k) plan and how…

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