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Your Money Guys kick off the first podcast of 2015 with valuable advice on what to look for in a…
Brian and Bo discuss insurance necessities as well as the appropriate level of insurance to carry across varying career and…
Brian and Bo pick up where they left off last week by detailing financial factors to consider when participating in…
The core of this week’s show is staying informed with your parent’s financial situation. Brian and Bo cover what you…
Brian and Bo share tips for saving money every month with a couple of phone calls. They stress being an…
Brian and Bo cover homeowners insurance in this week’s podcast. The topic surfaced after Brian had a pipe burst in…
Brian’s recent birthday is the inspiration for this week’s podcast. He reflects on the defining moments in his life so…
Brian and Bo take a detailed look at estate planning that will be helpful no matter what stage you are…
This week on The Money-Guy show, Brian and Bo run through a list of items that will help keep you…
We intro with today’s show as a preface to our next show, which will recap Bo’s first year of marriage.…
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