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Tag: Investing


Why Should You Invest 20-25% Instead Of 10-15%?

Several years ago, Brian initially suggested younger investors save 10-15% for retirement. In recent years, that has risen to 20-25%.…

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Should I Maximize My Wife’s Roth IRA Before My 401(k)?

In the Financial Order of Operations, maximizing your retirement accounts is right after maximizing your Roth IRA and HSA. Where…

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We Are investing Over 30% of Our Income But We Still Feel Behind!

It’s still possible to feel behind on your retirement savings goals even if you are investing a very high percentage…

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Is It Truly EASY to Become Rich? (Money Guy vs. the Internet)

Is it easy to become rich? We often hear about passive income and how simple it is to create a…

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Does The 25% Investing Rate Apply To High Income Earners? (I Make $460,000)

Since higher income earners typically pay more in taxes, do they still need to invest 25% for retirement? Or is…

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Are 401(k)s the Biggest Scam in America? (Money Guy vs. the Internet)

Are 401(k)s actually a SCAM?! We hear that high fees take up half your money, you barely beat out inflation,…

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Can You Use a Taxable Brokerage Account to Max Out Your Roth?

If you don’t have the cashflow to maximize your Roth IRA, should you use money in your taxable brokerage account…

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How to Prioritize Investing versus Making Memories Now

How do you prioritize investing for retirement and making memories and experiences now? It can feel difficult to prioritize all…

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How to Influence Your Employer’s 401(k) Plan for Optimal Benefits

Not all employer 401(k) plans are created equal. If you are able to influence your employer’s decision, what should you…

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How to Avoid Paying Unnecessary Taxes While Investing

Not all investing vehicles are created equal, and some investments are more tax-efficient than others. Here’s how you can invest…

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