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Tag: retirement


How to Be a Tax-Fee Millionaire

If there was a way for you to become a tax-free millionaire, do you think that would be something you’d…

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Timing the Market | Can Experts Be Trusted?

Remember when the “pundits” were forecasting at the end of 2016 that the closing value for the S&P wouldn’t rise…

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The Worst Mistakes You Could Make With Your Money, Part 1

There is an old saying that goes something like, “Mistakes are the best teachers.” And while this is undoubtedly true,…

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Mind-Blowing Benefits of Health Savings Accounts

Should you have a Health Savings Account (HSA)? Fidelity estimates that people 65 years of age till death will require…

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Changing Jobs? Here Are Your Options for Your 401(k)

?With the average person now holding 11.7 jobs over the course of his or her career, according to the Bureau…

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5 of the Most Searched Finance Questions on Google (and our answers)

We were surprised by what people were looking for and you might be, too. 2017 was an active year of…

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Don’t Let These Obstacles Ruin Your Retirement

Knowing what obstacles may try to come between you and your retirement can help ensure you are able to avoid…

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What You Need to Know About Using Retirement Funds Early

If you ever wondered what would happen if you dipped into your retirement savings before turning fifty-nine and half years…

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Transition into Retirement Seamlessly by Following these 5 Important Rules

Whether you’re saving for retirement or preparing for retirement within the next few years, here’s what you need to know…

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Index Funds 101: How to Pick ‘Em

With nearly 2000 index funds to choose from, finding one that speaks to you and your financial goals can be…

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